Run 857 - 03 Apr 2005
Monda Sunday 3rd April 2005...............20 runners. Knockout Neptune, Mermaid & Sparky
Date: Sunday 3rd April 2005
Mijas HHHRun Report
Runners: 24
Virgins: Jervis family: Richard, Therese, Lauren &
Georgina (or was it Georgia?), also Leigh
Returners: 9, (They missed Sir Roys' tremendous bash, LOVEDthe Wailing-Wall!)
RUN857 Hares: Sparky YOB,Knockout Neptune Location: Monda
The route to "Rancho Knockout Neptune" was well signed from "The Marbella Gun &Country Club", but I went sightseeing before going to Monda! A warm welcome to the Jervis Mafia who were hoodwinked into coming by the Grand Mattress, they have already made their excuses for not turning up next week! But I'm sure that when they are back in the UK reflecting on the tremendous wit and huge egos of the Hashers they will be rushing back on their next holiday to participate! LEIGH,the remaining virgin told us that he works at the stables down the road from the KN's ranch. Hence his connectionl The first "half' of the run went well, with checkbacks keeping the FRB's and the rest of us together, and laid out in flour. The length and ruggedness (of the run) made me pleased to see the first beer stop. (Did I really enjoy that last half-pint of Gin and Tonica last night?) Good use of the campo, and virgin hash-country for all except the locals. The second "half" to the next beer stop took us through more scenic countryside and then along the streets of Monda and ON-UP to the castle carpark. Two sex-starved pervs showed up twenty minutes after Spittoon! Can you believe Spittoon as a FRB? (Without Joan behind him?) Then it was discovered that Brandy, the datschund, was missingl Up-Your-Bum forgot that stupid bloody lead that has been tripping us up for ages! Asearch-party motored off retracing the route back to BS1 whilst the rest of us happy hashers tramped along the ON-IN on the final "half' of the run. The randy bitch was eventually found, and so was Brandy! The Circle was sacrosanct! The Pope has kicked the bucket! Those catolicks, (sic) present had a down-down for His Ex-Holiness! And, then, Patricia, Gang-planks' current, was baptised in the River Jordan by our RA,Arch-Deacon Mummys' Boy. ( I tell 'ukin'lies, it was carried out in the gunge,sorry, plunge-pool) But then, your New Scribe, with so much spring in the air, got a stiffy, requested a pass-out, and popped off to give his beloved a good talking-to, and then went home to the wife who had Roast Beef, Yorkshire Pudding, Roast Potatoes and OXOgravy waiting sad bastard!!! (Missed the fags and wine-in-a-box at the ON-ON!)Although Spittoon has reported back that the post-hash fodder was extremely good, but couldn't get any ice cream for his strawberries! I'm shit at telling jokes but before he "came out" did George Michael actually sing about asking your son not to go down on him? AND has David Bunkup claimed fathership of one of your kids yet? AND how did he know what he was shagging? Put it where Walt ? Can't bloody remember the final score, but I have decided that it was worth 9. Good Hash!
On Onl Your Scribe, SEMI-RETARD