Mijas Hash House Harriers

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Run 879 - 15 Aug 2005

Run  879 - Coin Road
Monday 15th August 2005
Hares:  Semi Retard/Spittoon

Don't you just love these people: visiting the Ass Hash from Madrid, you find that the HHH sign is only visible for those coming from the south, so you get a free tour of the neighbourhood and on top of that, they volunteer you to do the write up as well; lovely crowd!

Anyway, after being lost for a while, we were kindly picked up from miles away by DOG´S BOLLOCKS & UP Y'R BUM, who escorted us to the illusive site. Upon arrival, we found that a good crowd had gathered and one look at the Hares told me that these people would definitely know the A to B of Haring. Soon, we were ready to set off towards what looked like a lovely pine-forest. But, as usual nothing on a Hash is what it appears to be, so after a brief stint of running through luscious green, we ended up running through an endless stretch of urban wasteland instead.

Nobody seemed to mind too much though, especially since this choice of terrain meant no hills, something I am always partial to. Even more importantly, this particular route allowed the Hares to drive their beer-mobil to a strategically placed rubbish dump in order to replenish the pack with oranges and amber liquid.

No transcendental incidents on the run, just the usual stuff with SIR ROY taking flight elegantly (well, trying to, anyway), GOLDEN CASCADE trying to stay ahead of TWICE A DAY without being seen to do so too obviously and myself naively following KARMA CHAMELEON for miles in the wrong direction ("Oh, don't worry, I know exactly where this run is going").

The run was awarded a 9 by 6 people, so that averages a 6.9, I suppose.


VIRGINS: Rodney No Name and Iris No Name. Iris was not sure about the concept of being a "Virgin" ("I lost my virginity a long time ago, although I still have the box it came in"), but once this was explained she took her down down like a true veteran.
VISITORS: JUST IN, 2 X DAY & BOSSY from the Madrid Hash
DISRESPECT: FLAKEY when confronted with a "fish hook" (a lesser known Hash signal, which is meant to bring the front runners back to the pack) decided that what you don't know can't hurt you and thus proceeded to rub it out.
NO 1 HARES: By "total coincidence" (I don't want to write "Get a life!" here), there was a Hasher wearing the t-shirt of the number 1 run, accompanied by the two Hares who had set said run: El PULPO & FLAKEY.
SHIT OF THE WEEK: Some stiff competition here between SIR ROY & POLLY, both accused of fouling the car park. I can't remember who exactly got the award in the end, but I think it went to the one that not only fouled the car park, but also squatted while doing so.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: There will be a big dinner party on September the 17th, to celebrate..er.. er… well, to have a good time and get sloshed communally, I suppose. Please check with the usual suspects for more details and get out your spondulicks pronto!

On on!
Justo Dentro