Run 884 - 18 Sep 2005
Run 884-Full moon Run
Sunday 18th September 2005
Hares: Salmonella
The Full Moon Debacle began with a measly string of the Mijas hash, most of them were still recovering from the Charity Bash at Casa Gaudi the night before. 3 Virgins joined us and Big Willy and Ma flew in especially from Penang. If it were not for Stiff Fanny and her Dick’s party I reckon they would be wondering why, they came half way round the world for this sad effort – one of the crappiest runs in Mijas history.
The live hare – Salmonella Rushdie – bless him – is he always that vague? Managed to trail one bag of flour through the building site of Finca San Antonio on the Mijas Road. The security guard had the most exciting time, when we climbed over the sewage pipes and rushed at him waving torches.
From then on it was down hill. There seemed to be utter confusion from the beginning, but honestly the best bit was the on in when we all marched down the road like the Seven Dwarfs off to work.
The circle was strategically placed next to a rotting corpse inside a skip (well it smelled like it) and it was declared a thoroughly shit hash.
Onwards and upwards! Silver lining on the cloud for Salmonella – he got 2 out of 10.