Mijas Hash House Harriers

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Run 955 - 31 Dec 2006

Run  955 - Valdocado Sunday 31st Dec-

Hares: Spitoon and Trolley Dolly

 20C, blue skies and sunshine, you don’t get that weather in Scotland on Hogmanay! It was a glorious day and around 30 hashers and 6 dogs assembled as instructed at 1pm prompt, but with the Navy in charge we were called to order at 12:55pm for the off. One virgin was suitably welcomed to the Hash, a guy from California who had been introduced to Hashing by a friend at college, but more of that later.

The run started by going downhill through an urbanisation, never a good start as it means there is a lot of Up to come. At the first check the On was called down the hill until we ran out of trail at the bottom, on retracing the trail we found the ‘F’ hidden behind a bollard at the side of the road with the ‘F’ at 90 degrees to the road!

A few curses were heard as we staggered back up and then it was down the other side  to some countryside and beautiful views. The front runner was soundless as he powered his way ahead, not once did the words On On exit from his lips. He was a blur in the distance as we tried to keep up with him on the trails.

Then the welcome sight of the Beer Stop and the delicious sangria which was continually topped by our very own trolly dolley, they’re never that attentive on BA. The beer stop, of course, was at the bottom of the hill which meant the On In was Up Up Up! A lone hasher at the back eventually caught up, it was Swiss Roll who had arrived at 2pm instead of 1pm!

The Down Downs were given by Big Bitch, who was a bit rusty after 15 years but it’s amazing how it comes back to you, a bit like riding a bike really.

The Sassenachs – as it was Hogmanay

The Hares – 8.5 marks for a good run but not many checks

Things to Do on the Hash –

          Streaky and Streak of Piss – not introducing their virgin

         Virgin – Reece

          Set a run – Gangplank – wimping out of the Xmas Eve run but bought  

          a yacht instead

          FRB Reece – not calling – Named – Silent Muff

 Things Not to Do on the Hash –

          Hares – Hide the Markings

          Advertise on the Hash – One Hung Low

          Wear New Shoes – Streak of Piss

          Stiched up by his sister

Willy Wanka, WWWW and One Hung Low – Alzheimers Suffers – wearing their necklaces

Swiss Roll – arriving late

Juan (Septic Tank) – introduced to hashing by friend but thought her name was Maureen then it became Colleen Kelly

Juan – New shoes

It was then back to Trolley Dolly’s house for a delicious lunch including banoffi pie. Many thanks for a great run and a great On On.