Run 967 - 18 Mar 2007



RUN 967 Dipper & Gobi - March 18th

Well about 6 cars arrived at the dried-up river bed around 3pm only to find that the Hares had not yet set up the Hash signs. By the time the Hares turned up the cars had swelled to 10. The run site was then directed across the road and down and along the dry river bed to a suitable start point.

As it was the day after St Patrick’s Day the green t-shirts and Guiness Hats were out, with the Scots sticking to the Orange of the North.

28 runners started off back down the river bed then left at the end of the fence, only to follow another dry river bed which we followed until we hit a check in stereo, one on either side of the road. Here Rubherturd went left uphill and called On On only to hit an F. Hash Cash checked the back trail only to loose markings. Then the On On was called straight ahead round the hill before heading upto another contour path and another check. This is where the trail became a bit vague with people checking in all directions, some finding flour and some finding F’s and some finding nothing. Eventually DonkeyOT called On and it was up the hill to another double check with the trail heading left round the back of the hill to a large arrow directing us downhill. When we reached it the FRB’s were coming back up to meet us. Further round the hill we ran until we went down and along a wet river bed before finding the BS which was conveniently hidden behind a tree. Gangplank was already at the BS and was bragging he had been there for 10 minutes, and where had we been? Maybe if he had been calling we would have been there quicker! Cold drnks,crisps and delicious green cookies at the beer stop. We waited half an hour for Spitoon, Bendover and the Virgin, who had stopped for a quickie in the bushes before we were off on the second half.

Down the hill and up the other side before the trail ended with the infamous numbered checkback which was supposed to be CB20 but had been read by Hash Cash and Rubherturd as CB8! Eventually a check was spotted down the hill and along another dry river bed before heading up to a contour path and the On In. A good run in nice countryside. The run was awarded a 7.

Green beer Down Downs by Limp Toed Sloth and Dipper to the Hares, Returnees, the Virgin, those dressed as Irish, those not, Anniversaries, those not English etc

On On to El Coto for a roast dinner for 15 euros, the slowest service in Spain and Spitoon entertaining the rest of the guests (much to their horror). Will we be allowed back?



Run 968 - 25 Mar 2007


Run 966 - 11 Mar 2007