Mijas Hash House Harriers

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Run 1008 - 11 Nov 2007

RUN 1008   11th November 2007   Marbella 

Hares – Stiffanny, Streaky, with a little help from Birthday boy-Flakey

 Excellent fare of Chicken rolled in bacon , good red wine , many songs, much laughter ,  cake and candles for birthday boy flakey , (must be 68 by now ) And that was just the ON ON.

The run however was something else ,

How lucky we band of Mijas hashers are, we should wonder the rain and permanent grey our patriotic UK dwellers suffer at this time of year , whilst us X pats enjoy the beauty of this area we reside in ……

 With a  warm day, light refreshing breeze, ,and the occasional cloud to give contrast and subtle shade and break for the azure blue skies, We were able to enjoy the beautiful scenery , stunning views , climbs a plenty and the customary dry riverbeds to reconnoitre , 

This band of merry hashers bunched up , spread out , short cutted , and ran in circles , but finally negotiated an excellent run set by Captain catamaran flakey,  G.P.S  (we never get lost) Stiiffany,  and Cheeky streaky bum ! 

The run was considered somewhere between masochistic  and perfection personified. 

After marks from minus 2 to 8.5 were given by all the contributing hashers a healthy   7.9 was the given run mark average !!!! 

It  appeared mummy boys maths was suffering from “lackof calculaterous”

This hasher was welcomed back and made to feel immediately at home after having been absent for the previous two months , thankyou x

Trailer Trash  fka  one hung low