Mijas Hash House Harriers

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Run 985 - 16 Jul 2007

Hash Run 985 Monday 16th July 2007

Hares - Tight Arse/Septic - La Cala

The river of moving men and women hashers flowed wedged shaped across the sparsely grassed arid dry riverbed and rolling landscape of La Cala and the local golf course set beneath the mijas mountains.

Over it all hung a fine mist of dust, like sea fret on a windy day, and the sunlight caught and flashed from the burnished surfaces of the golfers, irons, putter and golf buggies.

Further went the mass of hashers , some forty in number , until the bright colours of the cotton t shirts dimmed dramatically in the loom of the dust clouds and tarmac laden way.

Forcing the intense pace (walk) the front running bastards  shaded their eyes from the blazing sun  and tried to see beyond the  multitude of  dead ends that had been strangely  marked as false trials. 

Elsewhere the hares had felt the feel of goose flesh up their  arms and the tickle of thick  hair at the napes of their  necks  as they  imagined how later they would be  caught in the crossfire of the angry and Lost hashers, and they fretted much as they waited at the beer stop as a  shepherd would wait and worry for his lost sheep  (beer drinking sheep)

As all was seemed lost a cry was heard from across the dust and shit encrusted river bed and as the hoard turned a cry was heard and direction was offered forth and the trail was again discovered , eventually  beer was gratefully quenched and the end was fortunately   found …

As the circle was drawn and the GM had had his say , the time had come for a new and different strictly temporary assistant RA (  errm Me ) 

At first The RA seemed to wander , he spoke of the first rays of the sun touching the peaks of the mountains , and feel of the feel of the desert wind in a mans face at noon , he reminded them of the sound of the birth cry of  a mans first born child , and the smell of the earth turning under the plough .. (well sort of anyway )

but gradually an attentive silence fell upon his unruly audience, and down downs were taken and the rabble laughed heartily …

fine food and good fare was had at the on on , marks of 5.5 for the hares and all in all a bloomin good excuse for a Monday …. Now do I get scribe of the year this year or what yer gits ?


 Your scribe:  Trailer Trash, f.k.a One Hung Low, a.k.a Pikey